Thursday, July 28, 2011

Retro Camera App

I broke my Holga's cherry on Tuesday, and put some 35mm film inside without doing a 35mm film conversion. I also didn't read the instructions that came with the camera, so I'm excited to see what will happen.

In other news, last night I found a Retro Camera app for my Android and I am loving it. Here are some sample shots with the app:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Holga 120N

Ahh, Holga! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

1.  Your sleek design.

Monday, July 25, 2011


After listening to my friend talk up the Holga one night, I became obsessed with owning one of my own. At last, last week I bought one. Sadly, I've only taken it out of the box in order to examine it. My hope for this blog is to motivate myself to create art on a regular basis, and then eventually daily. And I'm going to start by taking the Holga out for a spin.